Friday, September 4, 2009

the playground's sheltering tree




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The ARBOREAL PROJECT was proposed to bloggers by "THE LAND OF LOST LUGGAGE" and "COMMUTERS JOURNAL".....participants are to chose a tree, or trees, to watch and photograph through the seasons of a year, the first in August.
Well, i have favorite trees, some not so close by. And of course, Michigan has millions of trees......
THIS TREE is the tree that stands outside the classroom (which can be seen in the 2nd photo) just below the playground at the school that i retired from 2 years ago. I went back yesterday to take these shots, BEFORE the students show up on Tuesday, the day after labor day.
It's among other great trees, scattered about, but this one is towering and embracing and shading and protecting and changing all the time.
The bark and trunk have been weathered by the elements and by thousands of children sitting on it, climbing, and touching it over time...sometimes serving as a 'base' for a game of easy going kick-the-ball-around.

When you're seven, there's Nothing quite like an invitation by the teacher to find a spot for reading outdoors, to take a foldable butterfly chair, or look around for a quiet place. This would always be one of those places. . .a sort of uninjured "Giving Tree."

There are THREE MORE POSTS of photos, so please scroll down...(eventually, i'll learn to link those in one post??..the tech flunky here signing off)


  1. i knew why i liked you so much ...a teacher and a tree lover...this is a lovely full

  2. I miss those big ol' trees in Michigan. Not enough to move back, but enough to miss them. I'd love to touch the bark - I'm sure it feels wonderful from all the touches from little hands.

  3. I have never forgotten the first apple tree I climbed in Mich as a child, it was a good friend to me! thanks for the kind words about my summer pix, it means a lot to me coming from such a great photographer!! xox

  4. I myself prefer bare leafless trees, but this one is very majestic and you have memories connected to it.

  5. This is a beautiful tree!! Thank you for joining in on the fun! I can't wait to see this beauty again.

  6. I think that's a great project, keep up the good work!

  7. Oh what a wonderful tree to have anywhere but especially on a playground. It's PERFECT. :)Bea

  8. Easily one of the most beautiful trees I have seen in a long time! We have the big redwoods here and they grow in families so finding a place in the center of the circle is an awesome experience.Thanks for these photos!

  9. Powerful, confident tree! Great choice. Looking forward to seeing how it changes and evolves.

  10. There is something welcoming about and old tree, like an old friend who is always there! Great photos!!!

  11. What a bushy beauty! This is one happy tree, and almost famous now.

  12. Just a reminder that the Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection is up for an update next week. Try to make a post with both your original tree photo and your new tree photo and leave me a comment so I can update the links. Hope to see you then!
