Monday, December 28, 2009

to the one who APPLAUDS

i never shared the little book i'd made for the art "HUMBLE OFFERINGS":
some pages are above (click on them to enlarge).

as always with giving, it's not about receiving.
no'thing' came to me in the exchange,
but it inspired the creating and as always, that's the best thing.
= i received a reason to make something
for a person/artist/bookmaker/supreme blogger
who always applauds, encourages, and recognizes us,
and who is a big fan
of "MY ARCH"...

which is part of a circle which we create,
and it curves and comes back to us
and causes us to create.


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  1. I remember loving these great to see them collected and used as story in book form...Bravo!

  2. Can't wait to view on a larger screen. Cell phone just doesn't do justice.

  3. you never cease to surprise and delight !

  4. The act of creation is the gift, while the results that you have passed on as a gift is to let go so that it may take flight.

    Thank you for sharing such a personal moment with us.


  5. well, your arch is wonderful and your art is stunning and the tribute to our "applauder" is magnifico!!

  6. Hello Nancy - thank you for stopping on by and saying hello. Yes, Lisa S is definitely one to look out for. It is wonderful too, to see this fantastic book you made. There is such a wealth of opportunity available to us artists as bloggers, isn't there? (I'm referring here to your tribute to Seth). The challenges, exchanges, collaborations and competitions keep us fully engaged. It is such an amazing community and it is so heartening to read that you have discovered new meaning outside of a fabulous career now that you have retired. I would really like to keep in touch with you - I think your new work as an artist is just fabulous.

  7. throw me a curve and I'll make a circle -- very cool -- great work!

  8. kelly: throw me a curve and i'll make a circle and walk through the arch...thanks...had to honor MY arch!

  9. Wonderful book Nancy! Love the style here! The simplicity of it all works so well. Great job!

  10. Hi Nancy (Neva?) This is my first visit. I think I got here via Lawendula. You have created a beautiful space. I like your book(lette) very much. The poetry shows such heart. I hope you will write more about the 7-year-olds.

  11. Love this...Happy New Year...Blue Moon too! Hope 2010 just expands and expands for you. xo frannie

  12. Thank you Nancy for all the creativity and beauty you have brought all of us this past year. Following the journey of your arch has been so inspiring to me. And thank you for the gift of this book and your kind words. Pictures do not do it justice -- it is truly a work of art! The best to you in 2010!!!

  13. dear Nancy, this is a truely beautiful book. I love the story of your arch... and reading your words, "the circle that sprirals through life and lives and it creates and connects friendships." Thank you for sharing this new friend and I loved our day of writing back and forth last week. roxanne

  14. Beautiful book...lovely spirit behind them. Hope you are well and staying's been very cold and snowy here. Dreaming of Taos skies and the studio. I'll be joining you all again this summer. xo frannie
